Authentically You

in Hope

Youth Revival (Part II)

We as young people have a unique opportunity to revive and carry on the Catholic Church. The Catholic faith is something a lot of us take for granted, I know I did for a period in my life. The richness of tradition and history seemed “boring” to me in my high school years, but after being surrounded by a great Catholic community in college, the fire for my Catholic faith was rekindled. My love for Jesus grew 10-fold after experiencing Eucharistic adoration more often and being held accountable by my closest friends who were all striving for sainthood. We as young people are in a unique spot in that we have grown up with so much technology and new social norms. The world around us seems to become more and more lazy, falling away from the great identity we have as sons and daughters of God the Father. But there is hope and good news. A shift is happening among young people desiring to turn back to traditional roots.

A revival of the youth in the Catholic Church cannot happen with just one person, although it certainly can stem from one person. It takes a community and group of willing young adults to walk hand in hand with each other towards the greatness the Lord has for us. We must be a reminder and living examples to those older and younger that the Church is not dead. The Church is very much alive because we have a Savior who lives and fills us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Every generation has its struggles and setbacks. Let's be a generation of overcoming and renouncing the hold Satan has on those within our world. We know that Love wins because the Lord is Love. He has conquered death. We must remind ourselves and our friends of these truths every day.